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Wittenstein combines virtual and physical worlds with new stand at

Wittenstein is a pioneer in drive technology – a company that meets industry challenges and opportunities with intelligence and innovation. With industrial production becoming more and more complex and intelligent, Wittenstein aims to develop products that can blend the physical and virtual worlds.

Thanks to their new virtual exhibition stand they can now apply this same approach to connect with their customers online. “We pride ourselves on being original and adaptive, and we think it’s important to extend that attitude into how we reach our audience,” says Mark Cooper, Managing Director at Wittenstein.

At the stand, visitors can access interactive information points (hotspots), allowing them to easily browse Wittenstein’s portfolio of products and services. This includes a selection of gearboxes, servo-actuators and servo motors, from both their premium and value lines.

The company may be a global forerunner, but Wittenstein remains a family business, at heart. “We’re excited about joining Industry Expo,” Mark continues. “Our customers are based all around the world, so it’s great that we can further strengthen our relationships through this virtual platform.”

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